State Attendee FAQ
ADURS Annual Symposium – Member & Non-Member State Attendee Q&A
Content subject to change without notice.
Effective 4-1-23. All warnings are retroactive.
**Harassment of other attendees/speakers/ADURS staff (e.g. badgering to the point of emotional distress, sexual harassment, etc.) will result in individual attendees being banned from further attendance.
Downloadable PDF (Updated 8-21-24)
Q: Who & what does the ADURS scholarship/sponsorship cover?
A: The scholarship covers the registration fee, hotel room (up to three nights stay), and airfare of one (1) attendee per state (doesn’t include those attending as Speakers, ADURS Directors, Program Committee members, & Staff). Additional state delegates can attend at their own expense. Ground transportation and meals not provided at the symposium are at everyone’s own expense.
Q: Our voting member/DUR representative and state director both want to attend. Does ADURS cover the attendance of both?
A: No. The ADURS scholarship only covers the cost of one (1) person per state, regardless of their role in their state’s Pharmacy/DUR program.
Q: We have a poster presenter, in addition to the sponsored state attendee, who will be attending. Does ADURS cover the attendance of poster presenters?
A: No. ADURS doesn’t specifically sponsor poster presenters. Unless they’re already attending as a sponsored state attendee, they’re considered an additional state attendee and must pay their own way.
Q: How many delegates can each state send to the ADURS Symposiums?
A: Currently there is no limit (subject to change without notice).
Q: Are there special requirements for State Vendors who want to attend?
A: Yes. State Vendors must be directly involved in that state’s Drug Utilization Review (DUR) to attend.
Q: What if a vendor not directly involved in a state’s DUR asks if they can attend on their behalf?
A: The Pharmacy Director/Admin shouldn’t be approving them. Period.
Q: What is a Member?
A: A Member is someone whose name appears on the current State DUR ListServ. They do not need pre-authorization from their State Pharmacy Director/Administrator to attend current symposiums. They have Member Level Access on their accounts.
Q: What is a Non-Member?
A: A Non-member is someone whose name doesn’t appear on the current DUR ListServ. They require pre-authorization from their State Pharmacy Director/Administrator to attend the current symposium. They have Attendee Level Access on their accounts.
Q: I’m a Non-Member who attended the previous symposium. Can I attend again without asking?
A: No. You still need pre-authorization from your state’s Pharmacy Director/Administrator to attend the current symposium. Previous attendance doesn’t grant automatic authorization/access.
Q: What happens if a Non-Member registers without authorization?
A: They will receive one (1) warning; any subsequent unauthorized registrations will be deleted without notice. Several reminders regarding this policy have been sent to the DUR ListServ over the years. It’s also posted on the new website’s Conference Information page. Unauthorized people also won’t be allowed into the conference even if they decide to show up without receiving a confirmation email. Repeat offenders will lose their annual attendance privilages for the current year. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Q: I’m bringing a guest with me to the conference. Are they allowed to attend the speaker presentations, too?
A: No. The Guest fee grants access to the meals only.
Q: My guest is a licensed pharmacist/someone in need of continuing education (CE) credits. Can they attend the presentations and apply for CE?
A: No. The Guest fee grants access to the meals only.