Corporate Attendee Resource Page

Thank you for your interest in the ADURS2025 Symposium to be held in San Diego on February 20-22, 2025.​  Please review our Information Packet documents below as soon as possible.

Once your company has received approval to attend ADURS2025, please click on the “Commitment Form” box below.

Completed Commitment form is REQUIRED for interested company to be taking into consideration.  Completing a form doesn’t grant automatic access to the current symposium.  Incomplete forms won’t be taken into consideration and will be deleted without notice.

Starting with 2024, ADURS allows up to eleven (11) companies to send a maximum of four (4) attendees each to the annual Symposium.

    • Available spots include both Renewable spots and a minimum of one (1) Wildcard spot (total for each category may change each year).
    • Companies with a Renewable attendee spot from the past year will be given first right of refusal for the subsequent year.
    • Wildcard spots will be determined by a lottery and are good for the current symposium only.  Wildcard companies cannot attend ADURS as a wildcard more than once every three (3) years.
    • Please refer the Corporate Attendee Q&A for additional information.
    • Corporate attendance to the ADURS Symposiums is on a per company basis.  Registrations from individual industry representatives not employed with one of the approved attending corporations will not be accepted.
    • ADURS, Inc. reserves the right to revoke any first right of refusal privileges for any company for any reason for current and future years.
Important Dates

October 1, 2024 – Commitment forms due (date subject to change).
December 2, 2024 – Secure funding approval from your company due.
January 24, 2025 – All payments due (date subject to change).  Don’t sent payment until invoiced/notified of attendance status.

Notifications if your company is in the Renewable spot group or won a wildcard spot will be sent in October.

© 2024 ADURS. All rights reserved.
© 2024 ADURS. All rights reserved.